A Minnesota precision metal parts manufacturer was experiencing tough competition from China and other countries. Their sales and employment were down, and some of their best customers were buying foreign product instead of theirs. The company needed help to find new customers and new markets, but didn’t have the available staff to work on anything but production for their remaining customers. When they were referred to Applied Strategies International, Ltd. and the Midwest Trade Adjustment Assistance Center by a consultant, they had never heard of the TAA program. They were able to access funding through the program to pay for 50% of the cost for projects in marketing, software for design and management, and business development using outside consultants. Over a period of time, the company was able to achieve a chain of successes that helped fund their share of the next projects. Since they started working with the TAA program, the company has achieved sales growth over $4.5 million dollars, and their employment has grown by 13 full-time workers. “Work form overseas is starting to come back, in every downturn there’s always pockets of growth”, said company management.